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Ashlee Cateni

Ashlee is currently a senior majoring in Communications Studies. When asked what her favorite part about being on Exec Board, she said: My favorite part of exec is being able to build relationships with my Chapter on a new level. I enjoy being the one they go to for a problem or a question. I couldn't have picked a better group of Women to lead. Each member of our chapter holds up to the Chi Omega Symphony in their own way and I couldn't be more proud to call myself their President.


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Maddie Stiwell

Maddie is currently a junior majoring in Business. When asked what her favorite part about being on Exec is, she said: My favorite part is having the ability to help chapter members and form lasting relationships! 


Sarah Grace Ellison

Sarah Grace is currently a junior majoring in Clinical Research. When asked what her favorite part about being on Exec is, she said: My favorite part about leading Nu Lambda is that I get to work with all of my sisters towards a common goal.

Recruitment Chair

Michaela Morrissey

Michaela is currently a senior studying Political Science! When asked what her favorite part about being on Exec is, she said it's getting to help instill the values of Chi Omega in her sisters and ensuring that the sorority is always presented well!

Personnel Chair

Melanie Nash

Melanie is a junior majoring in English! When asked what her favorite part about being on Exec is, she said forming bonds with her fellow sisters on the board, as well as getting the chance to meet all of the new members and helping them fall in love with Chi Omega!

New Member Educator

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